9 Line MEDEVAC |

9 Line MEDEVAC app for Army Soldier training medical evacuation. |
This app is designed to allow Soldiers to train on the procedures for calling in a MEDEVAC. It is not intended for actual use. The app allows users to quickly identify their location and convert to MGRS. It also allows them to input and save their frequency and call sign. Then, with the click of a few buttons can prepare all of the information required to send in the 9 Line request.
Two features in the app (SMS and email) are obviously not designed as the primary means to send the 9 line Medical Evacuation, but they allow a follow-up electronic communication to be sent after the 9 Line is sent via the radio.
Designed for the United States Army.
Ok, this has really become the "Hello World" app of tactical app development. It is simple in nature, uses features from the phone that make it a good app (like getting your current location and converting it to lat/long) and can then be used to store or send the data in a few ways. For version 1, we are pleased with this effort, but we have a number of other ideas with how we can make this better and more incorporated with other reports and apps.
Obviously this app isn't designed so someone can electronically create a MEDEVAC report and send it digitally without calling it in, which is why we refer to it as a training app, and clearly want people to know that the SMS or email features are only used as a secondary way to send the message -- and just so that the digits can be recorded and quickly disseminated. I wasn't sure if we needed to make that clear, so when the app first starts - as well as on the about screen - it says it is for training only and for a real emergency to use a different method.
On a side note, I really liked my icon on this app. |
iPhone (9 Line MEDEVAC) |
Screenshots for 9 Line MEDEVAC on iPhone |

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Initial Screen gathering the current location

Data Entry, with Frequency and Call Sign saved
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Here is the screen the Soldier would read over the radio

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Android (9 Line MEDEVAC) |
Date Released on Android: 8/8/2011
Android Downloads: 8541
Screenshots for 9 Line MEDEVAC on Android |

Data Entry - using current location and converting to MGRS
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The 9 Line report the Soldier would read over the radio

As an additional measure, the report can be sent so a copy is held digitally
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